Personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE) is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
According to the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA), students are expected to participate in PDHPE for between 1.5 and 2.5 hours per week in Kindergarten to Year 6.
PDHPE provides students with opportunities to explore issues that are likely to impact on the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others – now and in the future. Students also participate in challenging and enjoyable physical activity, improving their capacity to move with skill and confidence.
The sports program at Toukley Public School is organised and taught by the stage teachers.
Sport is an important part of our school's PDHPE program and each class participates in a range of activities during a weekly session.
We provide a wide range of options using a our vast array of sport equipment to develop appropriate motor skills. Our school encourages full participation and enjoyment in a non-competitive environment.
Our school holds 3 major carnivals each year – Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics. These carnivals are for all students 8 years old and up. We also have P-2 Fun Days for the students not old enough to participate in the Carnivals.
Successful students then participate in Wyong Zone Carnivals and Sydney North Metropolitan Carnivals.
Students are also given the opportunity to participate in State knockouts in various different sports including Rugby League, Touch Football, Basketball, Netball, Softball, Tennis, Football (soccer) and Cricket.