Comfortable clothes
Dress your child in comfortable, practical clothes that are safe and easy for them to manage on their own, including sensible shoes for playing and climbing.
While teachers try to avoid children staining their clothes, paint and dirt are all part of having fun and learning.
Children will be expected to wear a hat to play outdoors. Encourage your child to get used to wearing a hat when they are outside.
Food and nutrition
Eating at preschool is an important part of the daily program and we promote healthy eating habits. Our preschool staff will also help your child during meal times by reminding them to wash their hands. Staff will encourage them to finish their food and not to share their food with friends.
You will be asked to provide healthy food for morning tea and lunch. Water only should be in drink bottles. A fridge is available but please pack an ice brick to keep food cold.
Please refer to the preschool food and nutrition procedure for further information orĀ